California Product Liability Attorneys

Appliances - Car Seats - Medical Devices - Power Tools - Sports Equipment - Toys - Tires - Prescription Drugs - SUV Rollover - Industrial Machinery - Watercraft - Scaffolding

When you use equipment on your job, take drugs your doctor prescribes, or purchase common consumer products— power tools, household appliances, tires, ladders, sports equipment, or toys for children—you naturally assume these products are safe to use.

Despite the fact that products are usually designed, manufactured, tested, and labeled for safe use, each year defective products lead to thousands of serious injuries and death.

Defects often appear after products have been purchased and used by consumers. When unexpected defects are discovered after products are in the hands of consumers, manufacturers may issue recalls—filing notices with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission—and publish announcements in magazines and through other media.

What is a Defective Product?

Products are defective when they are deemed unreasonably dangerous to the people who use them normally or in the manner in which the product was intended to be used.

There are three basic types of product defects:

  • Design defects

  • Manufacturing defects

  • Inadequate instructions or warnings regarding usage.

How Do I Know if I Have a Viable Claim?

If a defective product causes serious injury, you may be able to file a lawsuit against the manufacturer, the seller, or supplier to recover compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and punitive damages. However, it is important to understand that the fact that you were injured does not necessarily mean the product was defective. To determine if there is a basis for a product liability claim you need competent and experienced counsel to investigate and determine if the product was defective or unexpectedly dangerous.

After an accident it is crucial to discuss the circumstances surrounding your injury with a product liability lawyer as soon as possible. Statutory time limits restrict when and against whom you may file a lawsuit to protect your right to pursue a legal remedy for injuries due to negligence or wrongful conduct by the manufacturer of a defective product. Unless a legal exception applies to your situation, after the statutory period expires, you no longer have the right to pursue a lawsuit that seeks damages for your injury.

When you turn to Baker and Oring, LLP, for legal help, our experienced product liability lawyers will explain your legal rights, evaluate your case, and determine whether you have grounds for a product liability claim.

With significant experience litigating a broad range of defective product lawsuits in State and Federal Courts in California, our attorneys have a proven track record of positive results—winning millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements for our clients.

If a defective product has caused serious injury or the death of a family member, call our law firm at (310) 822-3377 to arrange a consultation. We will be happy to provide a case evaluation at no charge to you. For our Spanish-speaking clients, hablamos Español. Nous parlons Français.